my parfitt family came from the farmborugh area of somerset they decend down from
christopher parfitt born 27 Oct 1665,married ann ? in farmborough
he decend s all the way down to james parfitt 1799 who married mary wilkins born 1802
in chew magna som
my relative comes down from roseannah parfitt brn 1834-1910 highlittleton
roseannah was the daughter of james and mary wilkins.
mary and barrys family comes from peter elihu parfitt born 1828 highlittleton later
moved to pontypridd peter married diana bull born 1822 highlittleton .
they had 4 children
george frederick parfitt 1855 highlittleton
james parfitt 1856 //
thomas henry parfitt 1860 //
william parfitt 1864 //
biggest part of the parfitt came from somerset areas
Parfitt Baptisms, St Augustines, Clutton
18 April 1697 George son of Robert & Jane PERFET
2 March 1701 Joseph son of Robert & Jane PARFITT
27 June 1703 Edmund son of Robert & Joan PARFITT
22 May 1709 John son of Joshua & Art PARFITT
17 July 1711 Joshua son of Joshua & Art PARFITT
21 June 1714 James son of Joshua & Art PARFITT
18 November 1714 Cornelius son of Robert & Ann PARFITT
15 July 1716 Isaac son of Robt & Ann PARFITT
17 April 1725 John son of Joseph & Mary PARFITT
5 December 1727 George son of Edmund & Jane PARFITT
18 April 1728 Joanna daughter of Joseph & Mary PARFITT
2 August 1729 Abraham son of Edmund & Jane PARFITT
13 October 1730 Joseph on of Joseph & Mary PARFITT
25 November 1731 James son of Edmund & Jane PARFITT
26 December 1732 Abraham son of Joseph and Mary PARFITT
21 February 1733 Artulus daughter of Joshua and Elizabeth PARFITT
1 November 1733 Betty daughter of Edmund and Jane PARFITT
9 April 1735 Sarah daughter of John and Anne PARFITT
26 April 1735 Anne daughter of Joshua and Betty PARFITT
13 March 1736 Jane daughter of Edmund and Jane PARFITT
23 June 1737 Saml son of Joseph and Mary PARFITT
8 October 1737 James son of Joshua and Elizabeth PARFITT
15 December 1737 Wm son of John and Anne PARFITT
10 March 1738 Ann daughter of Cornelius and Grace PARFITT
1 April 1738 Robert son of Edmund and Jane PARFITT
19 April 1738 Mary daughter of James and Ann PARFITT
28 February 1740 Curnelia daughter of Cornelius and Grace PARFITT
23 October 1741 Robt. son of Cornelius and Grace PARFITT
15 May 1742 Hannah daughter of John and Ann PARFITT
16 October 1742 Caleb son of James and Ann PARFITT
31 May 1743 Leah daughter of Robt. and Betty PARFITT
28 December 1744 James son of Cornelius and Grace PARFITT
5 January 1746 Ann daughter of James and Ann PARFITT
1 February 1747 Ann daughter of John and Ann PARFITT
22 March 1747 Sarah daughter of Cornelius and Grace PARFITT
6 November 1747 Robt. son of James and Ann PARFITT
11 June 1748 Christian daughter of John and Ann PARFITT
12 August 1749 William son of Cornelius and Grace PARFITT
24 March 1751 Jane daughter of Abraham and Mary PARFITT
1 September 1751 Martha daughter of James and Ann PARFITT
22 March 1752 Mary daughter of John and Ann PARFITT
25 December 1753 Mary daughter of Cornelius and Grace PARFITT
8 March 1754 Betty daughter of Abraham and Mary PARFITT
3 February 1755 Hannah daughter of Joanna PARFITT (base born)
23 May 1755 Tobias son of James and Ann PARFITT
19 January 1756 James son of Abraham and Mary PARFITT
2 February 1756 Joanna daughter of John and Ann PARFITT
8 June 1756 Ann daughter of Cornelius and Grace PARFITT
9 January 1758 George son of James and Ann PARFITT
2 April 1759 Isaac son Cornelius and Grace PARFITT
28 January 1760 George son of Abraham and Mary PARFITT
22 March 1761 Jane daughter of Cornelius and Grace PARFITT
25 January 1762 Abraham son of Samuel & Betty PARFITT
7 January 1763 Mary daughter of Joseph & Ann PARFECT
25 December 1763 Hannah daughter of Abraham & Mary PARFECT
26 August 1764 Anne daughter of James & Grace PARFITT
17 February 1765 Sarah daughter of James & Sarah PARFITT
28 April 1765 Mary daughter of Edmund & Anne PARFITT
19 October 1765 John son of Samuel & Betty PARFITT
15 February 1767 George son of James & Sarah PARFITT
24 April 1768 Anna daughter of Robert & Betty PARFITT
16 October 1768 Anne daughter of Caleb & Sarah PARFITT
11 December 1768 Joshua son of James & Grace PARFITT
12 January 1769 Robert son of Samuel & Betty PARFITT
19 February 1769 Joanna daughter of James & Sarah PARFITT
16 April 1769 James son of Abraham & Mary PARFITT
24 December 1769 Mary daughter of William & Nancy PARFITT
9 December 1770 Elizabeth daughter of James & Grace PARFITT
23 December 1770 Cornelius son of Robert & Betty PARFITT
13 January 1771 James son of Caleb & Sarah PARFECT
17 March 1771 John son of Robert & Anne PARFECT
18 August 1771 George son of James & Sarah PARFECT
16 December 1771 Joseph son of Joseph & Anne PARFECT
15 March 1772 William son of William & Nancy PAFRECT
29 April 1772 Elizabeth daughter of Abraham & Mary PARFECT
28 March 1773 Isaac son of Caleb & Sarah PARFECT
11 April 1773 James son of James & Grace PARFECT
29 August 1773 Grace daughter of Robert & Betty PARFECT
10 May 1774 Robert son of Robert & Anne PARFITT
3 July 1774 Samuel son of William & Anna PARFITT
26 March 1775 Caleb son of Caleb & Sarah PARFITT
19 May 1776 Honor daughter of William & Anne PARFITT
7 July 1776 James son of Robert & Anne PARFITT
28 July 1776 Mary daughter of Robert & Elizabeth PARFITT
22 September 1776 William son of James & Grace PARFITT
16 March 1777 Jane daughter of William & Elizabeth PARFITT
13 July 1777 Betty daughter of Caleb & Sarah PARFITT
15 February 1778 Hannah daughter of Tobias & Elizabeth PARFITT
20 December 1778 William son of Robert & Anne PARFITT
21 March 1779 Hannah daughter of Tobias & Elizabeth PARFITT
30 May 1779 Richard son of Caleb & Sarah PARFITT
2 July 1780 George son of James & Grace PARFITT
21 February 1781 George son of Hannah PARFITT ( a bastard)
* note – see bapt 1805 & my note on the register of the twin daughters of George PARFITT.
27 February 1781 Mary daughter of Robert & Ann PARFITT
21 October 1781 Ann daughter of Tobias & Elizabeth PARFITT
25 November 1781 James son of Caleb & Sarah PARFITT
21 April 1782 William son of George & Hester PARFET
29 November 1783 George son of George & Hester PARFITT
29 November 1783 George son of Robert & Ann PARFITT
8 February 1784 David son of Caleb & Sarah PARFITT
28 March 1784 Isaac son of Robert & Elizabeth PARFITT
5 September 1784 Betty daughter of Tobias & Elizabeth PARFITT
3 October 1784 Elizabeth daughter of Abraham & Hannah PARFITT
26 December 1784 Martha daughter of Robert & Ann PARFECT
26 June 1785 Susanna daughter of Isaac & Letitia PARFITT
12 March 1786 Charlotte daughter of Robert & Ann PARFITT
30 April 1786 Joyce daughter of Caleb & Sarah PARFITT
25 June 1786 John son of Abraham & Hannah PARFITT
10 August 1788 Ann daughter of Isaac & Letitia PARFITT
24 August 1788 John son of Robt & Ann PARFITT
21 September 1788 Rhoda daughter of Caleb & Sarah PARFITT
19 October 1788 Latisha daughter of Robt & Ann PARFITT
5 December 1788 Jonas son of Joshua & Sarah COOKE x PARFITT
* note at bottom of page reads – This ought to be PARFITT for there were no such persons in the Parish as Joshua & Sarah COOKE but Joshua PARFITT married Sarah COOKE and had a son called Jonas baptized the same day as James Windmill (signed) T B Johnston Rector 1843
20 May 1789 Ann daughter of Abraham & Hannah PARFITT
25 April 1790 Arty daughter of Joshua & Sarah PARFITT
25 July 1790 Druscilla daughter of Mary PARFITT ( a bastard)
25 July 1790 Sarah daughter of Samuel & Elizabeth PARFITT ( aged 18 years)
25 April 1791 James son Robt & Ann PARFITT
4 March 1792 James & Joshua sons of Joshua & Sarah PARFITT
10 June 1792 Almira daughter of Isaac & Letitia PARFITT
12 October 1792 James son Robt & Hannah PARFITT
28 April 1793 Mary daughter of Robt & Ann PARFITT
11 May 1794 Elizabeth daughter of Joshua & Sarah PARFITT
15 June 1794 James son of James & Mary PARFITT
15 June 1794 Samuel Parfitt Beacham son of Elizabeth PARFITT (pauper)
6 April 1795 Abraham, Hannah & Thos, sons and daughter of Abr & Hannah PARFITT
3 December 1795 Anne daughter of Robt & Ann PARFITT
21 February 1796 James son of Morris & Eliz PARFITT
25 July 1796 Mariah daughter of Joseph & Martha PAFRITT
18 October 1796 Richard son of Abraham & Hannah PARFITT
23 January 1797 Grace daughter of James & Mary PARFITT
15 October 1797 Martha daughter of Robt & Martha PARFITT
21 March 1798 Henry son of Joseph & Martha PARFITT
18 April 1798 Ann daughter of Abraham & Hannah PARFITT
10 June 1798 Charles & Hester son & daughter of Robt & Hester PARFITT
26 February 1799 John & Frederick sons of Cornelius & Charity PARFITT
8 December 1799, Priscilla daughter of James and Mercy PARFITT
26 January 1800,Sarah daughter of George and Elizabeth PARFITT
11 April 1800,Gibson son of Joseph and Martha PARFITT
11 April 1800,Mary daughter of Abraham and Hannah PARFITT
8 June 1800,Elizabeth daughter of Robert and Martha PARFITT
22 February 1801,William son of William and Elizabeth PARFITT
21 June 1801,Joannah daughter of Robert and Hester PARFITT
24 January 1802,Gideon son of Joseph and Martha PARFITT
17 October 1802,Priscilla daughter of James and Mary PARFITT
17 October 1802,William son of George and Mary PARFITT
26 December 1802,Betty daughter of Cornelius and Charity PARFITT
21 August 1803,Mary and Sarah, daughters of Abraham and Hannah PARFITT
9 October 1803,Samuel son of Joseph and Martha PARFITT
23 October 1803,Lydia daughter of Henry and Martha PARFITT
3 June 1804,Priscilla daughter of Robert and Hester PARFITT
9 September 1804, Richard son of Richard and Elizabeth PARFITT
28 October 1804,Alicia and George, daughter and son of Robert and Ann PARFITT
19 May 1805,John son of George and Elizabeth PARFITT
19 May 1805,Elijah son of Joseph and Martha PARFITT
28 July 1805,Anne daughter of Henry and Martha PARFITT
21 April 1805,Mary Anne and Maria daughters of George and Elizabeth ROGERS
*this name should be PARFITT. The name of George PARFITT’S mother, see the baptism of this George, son of Hannah PARFITT 1781. George was illegitimate son of George ROGERS.(signed) TBJ Rector 1817
29 December 1805,Cornelius son of Cornelius and Charity PARFITT
14 September 1806,George son of James and Mary PARFITT
1 January 1807,Elizabeth daughter of Elizabeth PARFITT (illegitimate)
1 January 1807,Thomas son of Abraham and Hannah PARFITT
3 May 1807,George son of George and Elizabeth PARFITT
26 July 1807,Thomas son of Isaac and Sarah PARFITT
25 December 1807,William Wright son of Cornelius and Charity PARFITT
17 February 1808,Maria daughter of Henry and Martha PARFITT
5 February 1809, Anna daughter of Joseph and Martha PARFITT
8 February 1809,Hanah daughter of Isaac and Sarah PARFITT
19 February 1809,Joannah daughter of Isaac and Sarah PARFITT
2 April 1809,George son of James and Mary PARFITT
10 Aug 1809, William son of Caleb and Elizabeth PARFITT
25 December 1809,Elizabeth and Anna Maria, daughters of George and Elizabeth PARFITT
21 February 1810, Job son of George and Anne PARFITT
4 November 1810, Samuel son of Joseph and Martha PARFITT
1 September 1811, Anna daughter of George and Betty PARFITT
5 April 1812, Rose daughter of James and Mary PARFITT
Friday, 28 May 2010
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